Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth

My new addition to my night time routine! & a GIVEAWAY!!!! http://www.smilebrilliant.com/g/keepingupwithkatt

You guys! I’m so excited to share with you my newest addition to my night time routine! Who else just can’t wait to put the kids to bed, so you can finally relax and have a nice hot bubble bath with some lavender bath salts to relieve those sore muscles and tired back…(seriously having a newborn and waking up every two hours nursing the baby- gave me such a backache and my muscles are so sore. I need to get a massage soon) so that’s all I look forward to… when kids go to bed, I make myself a nice hot cup of ginger tea (ginger tea relieves stress) #momlife😂🙈🤷🏼‍♀️ apply my favorite mask or facial scrub on and…then whiten my teeth!

Cuz let’s be real here, who doesn’t want whiter teeth? I am a huge coffee and tea drinker and… soda too. I just can’t help it. I need my caffeine and sugar🙈🙈so yeah mama needs to remove those stains… and let me tell ya, I’m so glad I found this new whitening kit! (Ok ok they found me 😂🥰👌🏼I dunno where these guys were hiding, wished I knew about them earlier!) cuz this kit is so awesome! They send you the kit (mold and a mouth tray, extras included just in case you mess up) so you can make your very own dental impressions! How cool is that?? That was my favorite part, I felt like I was a scientist working in a lab (except it was in my bathroom) lol so I made my dental impressions, send them back to their facility (they include a prepaid envelope and postage) all you have to do is drop it off in a mailbox and wait for your custom fitted trays!

The kit included 5 whitening gel pens and 5 desensitizing gel pens (to reduce sensitivity and prevent future staining)

It’s so easy-peasy to use! You leave them on for 45 minutes and do whatever you want! In my case I go nurse the baby and catch up on my favorite shows. Right now I’m watching Bachelor in Paradise (oh the drama! This show is just so addicting! I feel like some of it is scripted tho, just for the views, poor Dylan and now Derek. And no I do not feel sorry for Blake cuz he dug his own grave haha) also, what’s up with Kristina’s attitude? Why you gotta be so harsh girl? ok ok don’t wanna spoil it for ya but if you’re into reality tv and drama then watch it 🙈🙈😂😩

Anyhoo back to my nighttime routine… These trays are so comfy in your mouth because they’re molded to fit only your mouth, your teeth. Customized just for you 🙂

I noticed a difference right away! Back in the day I would use all sort of whitening products, from a teeth whitening brush pen, to whitening strips! (Ew the worst ever in my opinion, so uncomfortable and they roll up on your teeth and just so messy! Yuck! I cringe every-time I think about them! Ugh🥴🥴so if you’re looking for the perfect whitening kit this is it! Definitely check them out! 💗💗👌🏼👌🏼or enter for the GIVEAWAY!!!! And to all a good night 🙂

Want to win these babies? (Worth over $200) ENTER HERE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN!!!! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼http://www.smilebrilliant.com/g/keepingupwithkatt

Or use code “keepingupwithkatt15” for a 15% off 🙂

<a id=”smilebrilliant_widget_article”  ishidden=”1″  title=”Tooth Whitening Gel”>Tooth Whitening Gel</a>

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Wooden Watches: This Fall’s Must-Have Accessory

I recently discovered this beautiful wooden watch by Jord Watches on Instagram. I fell in love with it! I’m not a jewelry person guys but this watch I will wear! It’s so comfy and doesn’t wiggle around. Stays in place. I had to measure my wrist for perfect measurements 🙂 just look at the detail.. comes in a beautiful wooden box where you store your watch. Bottom case pulls out to store your cleaning supplies. Comes with two extra pieces just in case 🙂 and a oil buffer pen to polish the watch 🙂 how neat is that 🙂 their website here- https://www.woodwatches.com/#wwant to win $100 to their shop? Oh yesss you do! Just click here!https://www.woodwatches.com/g/katt887

And get 10% off 🙂

•note-The contest will close 11/18/2018 at 11:59pm CST. Both the $100 and the 10% off codes will expire on 12/16/2018. 
details of the watch. It’s navy in the front and the bracelet is called “zebra wood” all the things that come with the watch! Comes in a cute little black box 🙂 they have awesome watches for men too, just click here-https://www.woodwatches.com/shop/men#katt887

This is the perfect gift for Christmas, Birthday or Anniversary. Affordable and unique. Pick from their whole collection. So many gorgeous watches to pick from! You just have to check it out! You won’t be disappointed 😉 To pick out a watch for the significant woman in your life, click here-https://www.woodwatches.com/shop/women#katt887

Don’t forget to enter to win the $100 !!!https://www.woodwatches.com/g/katt887 link to my watch- https://www.woodwatches.com/series/frankie/zebrawood-and-navy#katt887

<a id="woodwatches_com_widget_article"  ishidden="1"  title="Luxury Wooden Watch">Luxury Wooden Watch</a>

Health & Wellness Company🌿


SHOP/JOIN: http://keepingupwithkatt.itworks.com/

•hello! Im Kat and I’m an independent distributor for itWorks Global! We have an amazing skin care line- from cleansers, toners, scrubs, defining gel (a magic black bottle) stretch mark cream, facials, lil & eye gel, and many more… those are just some of my favs! They leave my skin so soft and smooth! All natural with no harsh chemicals! Check it out😉 contact me if you want a free sample of the wrinkle wipes 🙌🏼🙌🏼💗💗

To join it’s just $99 but you make the money right back! (Even more) we have unlimited weekly bonuses! This company changes lives! All you have to do is post on social media🙌🏼🙌🏼 let me teach you all the ways you can get paid! And let’s start this fun business together! 😉😉if you haven’t tried THE GREENS yet then you’re missing out!

Support immune system

Nutritional boost

Naturally balance and cleanse body

34 fruits and veggies

54 nutrient rich superfoods

Soy-Free. Non-GMO. Dairy-Free. Vegan. 🍎🍐🍊🍋🍇🍈🍍🍑🍅🍆🥑🥦🥒🌶🌽🥕the cleanse… how many cleanses have you tried that took a week with nasty ingredients and you had to starve during it???well not this one… this cleanse is all natural, very gentle, just 2 days and best part??? You can eat during it! That’s right enjoy your healthy meals, drink lots of water and after the 2 days- you can lose up to 10 pounds of toxic waste that is just laying there in your intestines… for years! Yuck! It gets rid of bloat, headaches and just makes you feel good inside and out! Try it!😉😉 do you body a favor. ohhhhh don’t even get me started about KETO COFFEE!!!! its the bomb.com!!!! What other coffee gives u instant energy, focus, helps you lose weight… and wait for it… BURNS FAT!!!???? Thats right. It puts your body into ketosis and burns fat!!!! samples available 😉 I lost 15 pounds in 7.5 weeks🙌🏼🙌🏼 all thanks to this amazing coffee! Can enjoy hot or cold 😋

Isabella’s Birth Story Part 3👶🏼

When they got the baby out, she wouldn’t stop crying… usually the baby is born they put them on your chest they cry and stop… but my child kept screaming… I asked them why is she crying for so long? And the nurses said she might have a headache… a baby having a headache? Never heard of that… this is a newborn couple seconds old and she already has a headache?🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ they brought her to me (my hands are tied down I couldn’t hold her … remember I’m laying on an operating table… they’re stitching my insides up…) and I’m drowsy from all the medicine… all I could do is cry and look at her and move my head towards her little body and say “shush mommy’s here… it’s ok baby mommy is here” her face was so swollen, her eyes so puffy, she couldn’t open one of her eyes for 2 days until the swelling went down… she was bruised up on her face, ears, forehead and eyes… (from the position she was in and me trying to push her out) my poor baby… now imagine the headache she was having 😢😢😢 after the c section, they wheeled me back into my room… I was in so much pain, it was hard to breathe, to laugh, to sneeze, to bend, to even take a deep breathe because remember my uterus, muscles, and skin was all cut and now it’s all stitched up and glued together… my pain was a 9… the drugs weren’t even working… took me 15 minutes to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom which is only a few steps from the bed… one step… take a deep breath, hold the stomach… because any move, the pain became unbearable… more on my recovery story in part 4… you can see how swollen and bruised she was here..swelling went down… looking much better

Isabellas Birth👶🏼story part 2

After trying to push her out and finding out that she was in a dangerous position (brow presentation) – very rare, -occurs 1 in every 800 births! -babies usually don’t come out vaginally -dangerous if I tried to push her out in that position… so they decided on a C-Section. Everything was happening so fast.. singing papers, and getting wheeled into the OR… I was bawling my eyes out. No way was I prepared for a C-section. I was so ready to push this baby out, I even ordered socks on Amazon that said “Ready set push”, made “frozen post partum pads”, packed my hospital bag with natural postpartum sprays and balms… u name it… seriosuly thought that I will push this baby out in a minute just like my last… but nope… I was so upset, disappointed, terrified and nervous of this C-Section. Its a major surgery that I knew little about … only watched a couple you tube videos before and had to stop watching… didn’t think I ever needed a C-Section… but there I was … laying on the operating table, getting more anesthesia, so many surgeons, doctors, students surrounding me… I remember feeling very cold and started shaking that my teeth were chattering. They gave me some heated blankets… I felt the pressure of them cutting my skin… I don’t know how long the procedure went. I remember some pain in my abdomen and them giving me some medicine that was suppose to make me drowsy. There is a funny part to this sad little story:

My husband recorded me saying random things while I was on the “drowsy medicine” apparently it makes you go in and out of sleep and you say things you don’t really remember saying. I do remember thinking about the laundry at home and that I forgot to put it into the dryer and when I would “wake up” I remember telling the doctors “I need to do laundry” or “can we do delayed cord clamping” and then I would look at my hands and ask the doctors “why are my hands tied?” “Hello? Is there any students in here? Are you guys grossed out?” “Where’s my placenta? Can I see my placenta please helllllooooo?” 🤣🤣 (yes they showed me my placenta) and I was like “ewww gross take it away” yeah I kept saying random things while “on the meds” and then when I was back in my room, the nurses came and were saying “you were so cute in the operating table saying those things” 🙈🙈🙈 anyway… here’s the scary part… they made me go use the bathroom and walk every 6-8 hours so like early morning I’m in the bathroom and I felt dizzy and very light headed and almost fainted , the nurses came running and put me on my bed asking if I know where I was.    Well turns out… the reason I almost fainted is because…. while doing my C -Section they cut my artery and I lost a lot of blood!!!!!!😳😫😱 yup… I needed a blood transfusion to get my levels up since they were dangerously low. 😞😞😞☹️☹️☹️ so mad about it… ugh still cant get over it… wait until u hear what happened to the baby… 😩😭😭😫… in part 3 … 

💗Isabella’s Birth👶🏼 Story

Really don’t wanna go back and re-live the moment cuz it’s just such a sad memory for me… but here it goes…August 27, 2017 all night I kept having contractions, they were 5 minutes apart so I called the nurses line and they told me to wait and if they get stronger to come in so I went back to bed tried to get some sleep and all of a sudden the contractions just vanish! So weird… they just disappeared all of a sudden and I woke up the next day and felt fine… but little did I know… that night my water will break. So August 28, 2017 around 2:00 am my water breaks. I’m laying in bed and felt like I needed to go to the bathroom and I hear a “pop” in my belly… I stand up and start walking ofcourse the water starts leaking. I was so excited!!!! Finally!

I was miserable the past couple of weeks, was so uncomfortable, hard to move, leg cramps, Charlie horses in the middle of the night, heart burn, going to the bathroom every 5 minutes, u know… so imagine how happy and relieved I was when FINALLY it was baby time! And that week I tried everything to induce labor, pineapple, spicy food, walking, cleaning, hot showers, bouncing on yoga ball like crazy… (oh the things ppl recommended🙈)

So yeah off to the hospital we go… and at my last check up I was already 3cm so I thought I would be at least a 4 or 5cm open but guess what, the midwife checks me and I was still a 3! Boohoo… (let me add that with my last baby I came to the hospital at 9cm and pushed a 9.10 pound baby in 2 minutes! I’ll do another post on this later) so… I thought third baby will fly out… but nope… longest labor ever 🙄 I was progressing really slow… was bouncing on a ball, took a hot shower etc… they wanted to give me petocin but then I was starting to dilate more so at 5cm I got my epidural cuz I was getting tired and contractions were getting intense (dont judge-I know it’s doable without an epidural but u know what shush… if u can do it good for u👍🏼)  anyway so got my epidural yay thank u Jesus for epidural 😁😁 I could finally relax and nap… so let me add – I DID have a nice little natural birth plan written up that said “no students, dim lights, essential oils, music playing, labor in the bathtub… go as long without pain meds…” but nope that went out the window cuz this birth DID NOT GO AS PLANNED AT ALL!!!!😩😩😠😠 the moment I got to the hospital, there were students everywhere, some guy student nurses were all around me watching me push, holding my hand, giving me tissues to wipe my tears… one guy was even counting with me to 13! Like buddy where did u get ur training done? U count to 10! Not 13!😒😒 ok so this is where it gets scary… finally after being in labor all night and all morning… I reach 9cm… the midwife comes in to check me and I see a concerned look on her face… she brings in a few more midwives and they check me too and just stand around me looking at each other… I’m like wth.. so they tell me my baby is “brow presentation” which means she is coming out with her face (dangerous to push a baby out like that because most babies dont come out) so they bring the main midwife in and said she will try to turn the baby. Thank God I took the epidural because her hand went inside to turn the baby and the other hand was on my stomach turning the baby. So she flips the baby to head down instead of face down. And said she will come back in 30 minutes and if the baby flipped back then I need a c section. And just leaves… so ofcourse I start freaking out and start bawling my eyes out. I text all my family and friends to pray for me (I was not prepared for a c section and was afraid that my baby will get squished if I tried to push her out) and all of a sudden I feel like pushing… I call the nurse and they come running in and I start pushing. Was pushing for maybe 5 minutes and I ask if they see the head. They said no and check me again…the nurse replies “I feel a nose” the baby flipped back to brown presentation. I was fully dilated, having strong contractions, baby’s face is right there getting squished… she’s basically stuck in my cervix and I can’t push her out. Emergency c section it is. This is the part that will haunt me forever… part 2 coming soon… 

Birth story-Jacob.

on September 20, 2013 at 5am, my water broke. We went to the delivery center and I was in labor since 5am til 10pm! More than 12 hours! They wanted me to try a yoga ball to relieve the pain, but nope I weighted 170 pounds (I gained 50 pounds with my pregnancy!) can you believe it? I was such a whale 🙈 I sat on that yoga ball for like a minute and just gave up. It wasn’t helping. Then they asked me to go in the bath. Im like no. I’m in pain, I don’t want no bath! Just give me the epidural! I was 5cm and I couldnt take the contractions anymore! So I finally got my epidural and I felt so much better! I could finally relax 🙂 they kept asking me if I feel like pushing and I had no idea so I’m just like “yeah sure” and I was 9.5cm and they made me push but I couldn’t figure out how to push lol it was so weird like I felt no desire to push. So they kept putting me on my side then on all fours… Nothing was helping… So they just left me alone… Then all of a sudden I started getting this urge to push… The nurses started running in and they’re like “oh so u finally need to push?” Well duh….. Everything happened so fast. Oh did I mention they put my epidural down cuz “they wanted me to FEEL my contractions.” They wanted me to know when to push instead of relying on them. Like what’s the point of me getting the epidural then? Seriously. I was not very happy with them. I had a bad experience with one of the nurses cuz she was so rude and gave me attitude and while she was putting a catheter in, the epidural guy was sitting right there in front me (I felt uncomfortable with me laying there and him sitting right there!) like hello where’s my privacy!??? And the nurse was flirting with him this whole time. I wish I could go back in time and kick her out or kick her in the face with my foot. So anyway… They put my epidural on low and I started to feel my contractions again. They wanted me to push three times during each contraction. It was hard work cuz I’m tired and I wanted to take a breath. But they kept yelling not to rest, keep pushing! So I kept pushing… And my husband was holding one of my legs and the mid wife is like “do u want a mirror? I can see his head! He has hair!” I’m like “no thanks” so I kept pushing and finally when he was about to be born, all these nurses came running in with their gloves ready to take the baby. I did not care who was watching, I just wanted the baby out!!! And my final hard push (I finally figured out how to push lol) I gave it all my might and he came out! 10pm he was born. (September 20, 2013) 6 days overdue. They put him on my chest and his eyes gazed into mine! It was such a special moment. And emotional little bond we shared. I started bawling cuz I was so emotional and just happy to be done with this labor and delivery. Visiting hours were over and my mom was waiting outside this whole time lol so i asked if she could come in and see her grandson. They’re like “oh ok it’s only one person? Then ok” little did I know, the whole gang walks into the room. My mom, aunts, brothers, sister in law, cousins.., lol so yeah that’s my little birth story for baby #1😉 

ultrasound at around 12.5 weeks


couple days old 🙂


Watch this video.


how kids in africa suffer from lack of food 😦

It was so hard to watch… Why is this happening? Why would anyone abandon these little innocent children? This is so sad.. I wish I could just go there and help them. Feed them
And give them clean water to drink. I wish I could take care of them. Why isn’t anyone helping them? 😭😭😭😭 this just shows how blessed we are and have so many opportunities living here. We eat whatever we want and COMPLAIN when we don’t have something… We should be grateful we have clean water to drink and a full fridge and pantry of food and clean clothes to wear and a roof on top of our heads… Look at these kids.., they’re dirty. They’re naked. They’re hungry and helpless. Where are the parents? There’s only a little girl taking care of them. My heart aches for them. People… Reach out. Help out. Donate. May God Bless you and those little children. May they regain their health back and may they prosper in their life. This video really opened up my eyes…


Cheesy chicken samiches😋

You will need:
•French bread sliced
•2 cans of canned chicken
•3 tbsps mayo
•2 handfuls of cheese (any-I used half Mexican blend & half mozzarella)
•salt & pepper
•optional- can chop tomato into mixture or just use as garnish

•mix everything and load unto bread slices
•bake at 350 until cheese is melted




🌸Mini Pom-poms💙 how to/DIY

Soooo my nephews 1st BIRTHDAY PARTY is coming up and I’m hosting it/helping out 🙂 it’s blue-themed so I’m making a bunch of diy (Pom poms and banners) and I’m excited to share with you how to make these tiny baby Pom poms!!! They’re so adorable! It’s a piece of cake🍰😉 let’s get to it…20140731-113624-41784559.jpg so… You will need your choice of colored or white tissue paper (any store at the birthday bag section)

20140731-113737-41857945.jpg and take 4 sheets placing on top of each other

20140731-113820-41900325.jpgthen cut it into 4 sections

20140731-113853-41933417.jpg and then take two of the “sections” you just cut and put them together making 8 sheets (I recommend using 8-10 if you want your Pom Pom nice and fluffy 🙂 and just start folding… (Making it look like a Chinese fan)





20140731-114346-42226230.jpg don’t forget to fold it in the middle and tie it with hemp cord or ribbon… And this next step is really important because it’s what gives your Pom Pom a cute fluffy creative look-MAKE A ROUND CUT AT THE TWO EDGES✂️👉📏👈(btw that’s chocolate on the carpet-I hope 🙈haha)





20140731-114641-42401874.jpgand that’s it… Took me 10 minutes to do 2 of them.. STAY TUNED FOR MORE PICS FROM THE PARTY AND OTHER DECOR💙✌️😉

